Thursday, December 15, 2011

SELF HARM: Inferiority complex/self cutting/burning/poisoning/overdoses,etc

Depression and anxiety are common among 15-24 old women, a group in whom rates of serious self harm is rising. As gender roles change and women get more empowered, they demand and enjoy more financial and personal independence. Along with this increase their frustrations they can't address. This is not mental illness but a personality disorders. Depression and anxiety can be reduced to zero if s/he is supported by guilt free positive thinking of life to live with advantages without hurting others in any form/kind, whatsoever.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Mind, body, spirit & you

EVERYONE KNOWS THAT GOOD SEX FEELS FABULOUS AT ANY AGE. LESSER KNOWN IS THAT A REGULAR ROLL IN THE HAY CAN ALSO ADD UP EIGHT YEARS TO YOUR LIFE EXPECTANCY. Not only that, but the more orgasms you have, the longer you can expect to live. regular sex improves hormone levels, heart health and brain power and raves up your immune system- so you can hold on to your youth while you enjoy yourself. ......................AIM 4 ORGASMS: Regular orgasms make man twice as likely to live into old age as those who don't have sex and woman to live upto eight years longer. having an orgasm floods the body with mood boosting chemicals and promote relaxation, as well as bonding couple emotionally. woman who have 2 orgasms a week are upto 30% less likely to develop heart desease than those who don't have sex. ...............................CUDDLE UP: cuddling is not just enjoyable aspect of good sex- it also help to release the "BONDING HORMONE" OXYTOCIN, it can dramatically boost longitivity and people in relationship are less vulnerable to cronic diseases and depression.................................. MORE, MORE, MORE! It really is a case of use it or lose it and having sex at least once a week will keep your hormones, heart, and brain in top condition. And the more you have, the better the benefits.

Extract from TIO